Essay, Research Paper: Capital Punishment

Legal Issues

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Punishment My opinion on capital punishment is very shaky because of the
unstable facts and controversy surrounding this topic. I personally, am caught
somewhere in the middle of deciding on being for or against the death penalty. I
am for the death penalty for several reasons: I think that we need to get the
hardened criminals off the streets and out of our court and jail systems. The
death penalty is ultimately the only choice that creates that, even though the
accused will be on death row and appealing his/her conviction. I also feel that
in some situations the crime of murder is so heinous and vulgar that the guilty
party deserves to be put to death. I would like to say that I like the death
penalty because it is cheaper than prison, but I would need to see the numbers
to compare. My last reason for being for the death penalty is a killer should be
killed. I also have a few reasons to be against the death penalty. Does capital
punishment really deter crime? I feel that we should not put a person to death
just so that person can be the posterboy/girl for crime deterrent. And does a
killer really think about that before murdering someone? I also have on my
conscience that "thou shalt not kill" is the seventh commandment and
killing would be a sin against God, but than again I am not in the jury box, or
doing the final deed. I have some further thoughts on capital punishment. I
think that capital punishment is far from being cruel and unusual punishment.
And in my mind you should be killed for any degree of murder. I don't believe
that the death penalty discriminates against minorities because no matter what
color skin you can make the choice to commit or not to commit a crime. I also
think that we should believe strongly in our court system and know that is has
the ability to make the decision of guilt or innocence, and if someone is on
death row there should be no doubt in the fact that they belong there.
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